Understandably, all of Israel has been traumatized by the barbaric October 7 Hamas attack, the ongoing war in Gaza, the assaults from Iran and its various proxies, and the dramatic rise in anti-Zionism and antisemitism. Nevertheless, Israelis continue to live as normally as possible under the circumstances. The citizens of Israel are still doing wonderful things — click on the links below.

1. U of Haifa finds ‘groundbreaking discovery’ in Parkinson’s research | Click here
2. Technion breakthrough for better drug delivery and tissue implantation | Click here
3. Israeli researchers want to build a space parasol to cool Earth, mitigate global warming | Click here
4. 20 years of Darkaynu: The year-in-Israel program for Jews with special needs | Click here
5. Israeli researcher awarded IEEE medal, the Nobel Prize of engineering” [6:49] | Click here
6. Prestigious Blavatnik Awards granted to Israeli scientists, all from the Weizmann Institute | Click here
7. Leveraging Green Energy for security and sustainability | Click here
8. Owl injured in evacuated northern town is nursed back to health by KKL-JNF | Click here
9. The Jewish and Arab Soccer Program Thriving in the Wake of War | Click here